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I’ve spotted you @slatchem, no hiding from me :wink: Hope you are well. Thanks for joining. Be lovely for you to do a short intro when you get a mo :slight_smile: Cheers

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Will do, just need to find where to put it :wink:

Hello again!

Excited to see this new chapter of open working and look forward to seeing where/how we can all be contributing.

Short intro about myself : Former Young Leader who used his time to get a fresh perspective on who I was as a person and what I want from my working life.

Currently customer care for Starbucks (the constant call centre churn cycle)

Current obsessions/hobbies : Leveraging AI to better the lives of myself and the people around me and the ever changing landscape of Geo-politics. Have used AI in recent months to negotiate TUPE which resulted in compensation for 30+ members of staff, currently using it to better the lives of people in my local community in poor social housing by having councils re-home these tenants and overall spreading awareness of the true power from a user end that this technology can have on their lives.

Always looking to get involved in socially good causes and work. Looking forward to seeing how this develops for ethos and how I can possibly bring some of my skills back to you guys :muscle:


So nice to see you here @Ewan788 thanks for your support and giving a bit of your story. Sounds super interesting what you are up to. Look forward to finding out more as we move forward :slight_smile:

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thanks @slatchem, simply in this welcome thread here would be a good start. I can see you have done the profile thing. Looking good :slight_smile:

Thanks Annabelle, as my profile now says, I have been supporting and loving the Ethos Journey for many years now. (I’m a pro bono super fan on LinkedIn :wink:

As I have now partially retired into part-time advisory work, I’m delighted to be able to support this amazing initiative. With 39(!) years in Digital and IT across most sectors and solutions, my experience and lessons identified are available to all it would help. Looking forward to this!


thanks @slatchem

@Ewan788 you are an absolute star. The TUPE and AI for good is something that could be great for you to develop. How can you support other people / organisations in just getting good results from generative AI - something that helps individuals increase their agency. Your call center examples a Loreal were a superb start. The TUPE is even better. You are super welcome here!

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Thank you.

@robpye With intro of custom instructions theoretically you can bend gpt into ANYTHING.

You can create a highly advanced custom prompt. Then once you have your prompt type everything you want out, ask chat gpt to “'write it in a language humans dont need to understand but another ai can in order to shorten the phraseology, but maintain every aspect and detail”
It will shorten everything to inconceivable text of words. If it’s still too long, ask code beta to make it exactly 1 500 chars maintaining every aspect and BOOM you have custom instructions that can either be shared to paid up members of gpt plus OR business side you have the custom instruction onset for custom gpt bot that can be implemented onto either websites or CRM backends.

If we had things like this when the young leaders was active this would have propelled everyone’s capabilities 10fold it’s wild how closely we narrowly missed this :rofl:

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@Ewan788 I wrote an experimental “AI for good” in python which looks through a series of stories (starting with my Linkedin feed!) gets rid of the rubbish and then evaluates each of the stories against the 6 dimension of Value Exchange using a standardised prompt and the open.ai API to process the results into a database (well an excel at this point). And of course chat GPT helped me with some of the heavy lifting of Python given that it has been about 100 years since I had to write something that technical. So what we have is an AI writing and AI with a little bit of me in the middle!

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Will check it out will admit I’ve neglected most social media other than reddit for some time.

Too many opinions and not enough substance lol.

The things I’ve managed to get involved in and do have far exceeded anything I would have been able to without it. I’m someone that’s never lacked drive and not stupid… but by no means can I say I’m educated and with the companies involved in TUPE they thought I had legal advisors behind me.

Ive been able to far exceed most agents through the call centres I’ve been at since and having just started a new campaign (I know controversial whether laziness or boosting productivity) but it will eventually replace this industry anyway and I send double the emails the previous top agent was doing who has been there alot longer.

The housing one was another great example of I had been trying to do this on my own for better part of 8 years and council we’re not interested. I gave gpt the local housing regs, blueprints to my flat and also listed the issues and steps that had been taken. Few emails written by it and within 3 months I was rehoused so have started offering this service to others knowing MANY people stay in council accomodations with mould and other unsafe conditions.

It’ll get to a point in few years where these things are so user friendly anyone will be able to use them and achieve any goal they want but for now being able to demonstrate this to people is greatly rewarding and can absolutely be used for ANY future project as not every one needs to be an expert. They just need the right prompting.

Also heading towards where so much content will be AI there will be a higher value for human created content/works too though.

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Welcome on board @rhounsell. When you are ready it would be lovely to hear a little about you and what you are all about :slight_smile: Thanks for joining us.

Such a lovely story @Ewan788 Thank you for sharing.

@rhounsell welcome to the community. I wanted you to share that recovery story I saw on LI here (just reply to this post and copy/paste it here. Great story about the brakes stuck - I’m sure everyone can relate to that in some way.

@Ewan788 @Joel_Escayg This just came across my feed. Sadly it’s not a paid role :frowning: but thought it might be interesting to you? I’m pretty sure they would pay expenses incurred through participation IRL but worth asking if it is interesting to you… https://eyfoundation.com/content/dam/ey-unified-site/ey-foundation/united-kingdom/en/brochures-and-reports/EYF%20Young%20Trustee%20Recruitment%20Pack%20Oct%202023.pdf

I’m putting a new post here to say hello to new joiners and hoping you will intro yourselves and start a chat!!

Yes @robpye I can see a number of folks have joined the space over the last couple of months. You are all most welcome.

It would be wonderful to know a little more, how you found yourselves here etc, please introduce yourselves @Elmo566311 @Lize_Maeve @Sophia.Howes @R_Bretminster @Neel-Patel @PraveenNaidoo @IndigoBlue

Yes - please introduce yourselves and what brought you here.