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I just imagined"The Revolution will not be televised" playing in the background whilst reading the “Deep Breath” section. Thanks for sharing @John

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HeHe @AnnabelleLambert Whereas @John is a visual artist (hope that is not an inappropriate label John?) we all have our art (Github anyone?). I found this article from the FT that interspersed words with “When the revolution comes” sound clips over the ages. Quite brilliant.

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can’t see that, have to subscribe :frowning:

I don’t pay. I think you can read a few articles if you register.

Welcome @LeeW Lee and Ethos worked together briefly at Thames Valley Police in their violence reduction unit. Lee is doing some interesting and socially valuable stuff with https://www.hopecollectiveuk.com/

You are warmly welcome here Lee. It’s only early days but we have some amazing questions for people to engage with like principles, governance and the bootstrap project we are calling pod0001.

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Welcome @LeeW Hope all well with you :slight_smile:

@Tom Welcome onboard. Don’t forget to add a short intro here and add a pic and a little profile info. Shout if you need any help. Look forward to catching up soon. :slight_smile:

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Hi Annabelle and yes, it’s been a long time. Busier than ever at this end but always in a good way. Good to be here. Inevitably I will be sporadic! :grimacing:


HI @Joel_Escayg great to have you on board. Look forward to chatting more at the webinar later. don;t forget to add a pic and and say hello, everyone needs to know you :slight_smile:

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I’m so engaged with your LI posts @John
We have just run the first webinar which was lovely. Webinar as opposed to podcast where we had a small group discussion. Excited to see that scale.

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Yes - where are you @Joel_Escayg ? Great to see you again just now.

How can we get all the Young Leaders back again quite quickly - sharing their stories since the programme would be super interesting!

Well done… scale would be great wouldn’t it!!

Be good to hear your thoughts @Joel_Escayg
will have a think about that @robpye Further to conversation with Rawn also thought it would be good to engage some of the young networks that are springing up. for example the Bright Network…they match grads with employers…wonder if they would consider matching grads with our community as a space to engage their desires to deliver more social value…a different approach to work?

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Welcome @Selfboss It would be great if you could add a short intro and tell us about your interests and how you came across our fledgling community. Look forward to hearing your stories. :slight_smile:

I just spotted @charlotte_kinloch has joined. I’m sure you can help us build an awesome community. Very lovely to see Canada, USA and hopefully Germany soon.

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Hey @charlotte_kinloch welcome indeed

Also saw @Hey_Jude joined the throng.Welcome!

Hello Hello! I couldn’t resist coming and seeing what’s going on! What’s this platform? Did you build it yourselves? I’m curious :slight_smile:

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You are most welcome @charlotte_kinloch. the platform is one called discourse :slight_smile: