The Value Exchange - Podcast

You can find all episodes of our weekly podcast at Podcast | Ethos VO

Creating this thread to link to the weekly publication. If you want to share your story and add to the collection, everyone is welcome, just get in touch and we’ll set up a recording session. Every story matters! :studio_microphone::radio::heart:

FRONTEpisode 34 - Pranay Sanklecha
This weeks Podcast is LIVE! and ready for consumption.

As we grow this it would be wonderful to capture the story of every member of this community on the podcast. The mission is Every Story Counts, because they all do. Obviously it’s not compulsory but please consider yourselves cordially invited @rhounsell @Hey_Jude @Tom @LeeW @Ewan788 @Joel_Escayg @John @rawn +any new members not already cast in the annals of podcast history.

If interested contact me (here/there/anywhere) and we can get a 60mins recording set up :studio_microphone::microphone::radio:

FRONTEpisode 35 - James Fellowes_Chance Bleu Montgomery (1)
Podcast ready for your delight! - The Value Exchange – Episode 35 – James Fellowes and Chance Bleu-Montgomery – Inclusive hiring is not a competitive sport | Ethos VO


Thought someone else may have replied want you to know not intentionally ignoring lol.

I’m personally not the right person for podcast I’m very much a bts entity and that’s how I like it.

Would be very interested in talking about the Commons though and how I can get involved? Have felt very lost since leaving ethos as I’m now lacking the socially valuable part of my working life.

Would love to work some of these frustrations with the way the world currently is into something positive in any way shape or form I can.

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You are going to have to tell me what BTS is first! On the “lost front” I would be happy to be your “work mentor” for free meeting every 2 weeks. Only if that could be helpful of course. On the commons we really are at the “day 1” stage and @AnnabelleLambert and I are focused on securing income so we can continue to focus on this commons stuff for free. Our “piad work” is developing in many directions. So far
the headlines are:

  1. Procurement - addressing community needs using the ESG/CSR/Social Value Act 2012
  2. Employee Wellbeing - addressing the sickness / absence / purpose crisis for employees.
  3. Volunteering - Building system capacity for Social Value. Putting employers and the center
  4. Violence Reduction - Community focus rethinking the model beyond March 2025.

Perhaps you could help is with lead generation in these areas. It would have to be on a commission basis though - so only if you don’t have to rely on the income at this point. Just thinking out loud. Open to other suggestions on this community. It could be about recruiting participants and being what is called a community moderator.

As I say, open and it may very well be worth a chat to explore options?

Behind the scenes :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Yes I would be very open to that. I have full time employment already so wouldn’t be reliant on the income so would be best time to get involved.

Yes I work 9-5-30 but I’ve managed to get myself into a position where I’m live chat only so i can be fairly flexible. Whenever you’ve got a spare slot in your calendar you can fit me into let’s do it :muscle:


Maybe find something that works for you here. We can flex on the live chat!

All booked in speak to you Tuesday :sunglasses:

FRONTEpisode 36 - Rachel Sosin (1)
In case you missed it The Value Exchange – Episode 36 – Rachel Sosin – Shifting the needle for a new norm | Ethos VO

Gonna keep those stories coming…this week
Episode 37 - Dmitry Fedotov

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Last week.
FRONTEpisode 38 - Carolyn Dare

FRONT Episode 39 -Josh Gaillemin

FRONTEpisode 40 - Cate Kalson