Onboarding - Committing to the CoP Principles

Community of Practice (CoP) Principles - 7/9/2023

Purpose: A digital commons where we balance the wellbeing of people and planet against our own individual, organisational, national interests.

Ethos: The community is owned by everyone and everything on the planet. Ethos has bootstrapped this project and is also an organisation in its own right which as been building online communities since 1999.

Your commitments as a member:

The Ethos CoP is a commons: Put simply the commons is a public resource. Anyone can join and benefit from anything they find within on the basis that these resources must be used for a common good. Much like a public space is used. There are some rules (don’t litter etc.) but other than that, enjoy the space!

Action for impact: Our online CoP focuses on actionable projects to uplift social justice, wellbeing, and environmental sustainability. While thoughts are valued, actions leading to beneficial outcomes are paramount.

Embrace Less: So much of our established economic wisdom calls for more, more, more. You commit to finding areas in your life where less can mean more for everyone. You commit to strive to moderate rather than emulate those with more.

Promote Social/Environmental Value: You recognise that any change starts with the ability to change oneself and that starts with our own stories and emotions. Social value is not something we “do” to others in a disembodied way. Only from true empathy and experience can we truly support others needs. Everyone has a powerful story. See examples in the Value Exchange podcast.

Break boundaries: Look beyond traditional confines, whether geographic, ethnic, or organizational. Commit to boundary-free thinking and action.

Open by Default Work in the open so others can see and learn through your example. Unless there is a legitimate reason to be secret (personal security, job security, legal restrictions) we share our documents, identities, conversations, financial interests and source code widely. You commit to be open by default not just in this space but in your life.

Trustworthy: Treat this CoP as both a data and human trust. Trust fellow members by default. Trust that others will use the data stored in this repository towards a common good and a commons widely available to all.

Champion Collaboration: Silos hinder progress. Commit to proactive collaboration.

Moderate Self-Interest: You commit to tirelessly working to uncover your own and other’s interests. Balance your interests (your organisation’s interests) with the world’s needs. By being transparent and collaborative, we can identify and manage these interests.

Kindness Matters: Engage with empathy and kindness.

Prioritise Wellbeing: When we are well we are all more productive. Respect and promote personal well-being for greater productivity.

Celebrate Diversity: Seek it out. Age, ethnicity, culture and diversity in all its forms: gender, LGBTQ+ and neurodiversity increase the quality of our outcomes.

Learn Actively: Instead of focusing on mistakes, prioritize learning and progression.

Permit real flexibility: Understand the benefits of genuine flexibility. Allow yourself and others to be wholly present.

Seek Joy in Action: Work should spark joy and resilience. Celebrate genuine moments of happiness.

Know When to Pause: Recognize the value of stepping back. We support taking breaks, especially given the immense challenges we face.

Value Exchange. Together these principles represent the heart of what we call Value Exchange which is an open source method of reflecting on your place in the world and what makes you tick and what you would like to do next. You don’t do this alone but with your most trusted connections. We ask that you commit to reflect and find your own unique Value Exchange journey.

We encourage everyone to live by these principles.


We want all members of the community to be committed to working with these Principles. We want them to be continually reviewed and improved. Please open any discussion or ask any question you have on these.

When you are happy to accept the principles please write a post below telling the community of your commitment and one of our navigators will award you a CoP principles badge to confirm your acceptance.

NB Once you have accepted the Principles, Governance and support for Pod0001 you will join the Value Exchangers community.

Rawn: My draft at consolidating & framing the principles

The Why of our CoP

We are a digital commons where we look to balance the wellbeing of people and planet against our own individual, organisational, regional, or cultural interests. We want to inspire change in the world to reflect this,

  • Social/Environmental Value:

  • Our Personal Story, Our Personal Values You recognise that any change starts with the ability to change oneself and that starts with our own stories and emotions. Social value is not something we “do” to others in a disembodied way. Only from true empathy and experience can we truly support others needs. Everyone has a powerful story. See examples in the Value Exchange podcast.

  • Value Exchange. We see Value Exchange as how we reflect on our place in the world, what makes us tick, and what we would like to do next. By bringing together people with similar values and interests, we create Value Exchange that contributes both to our individual personal values and social value. You don’t do this alone but with your most trusted connections.

How do we achieve this? Our values:

Our Shared Defaults

  • We are an Open Commons
  • Open & Transparent by default
  • Trust by default
  • Move to Action by default
  • Transcend Boundaries
  • Celebrate Diversity
  • Practice Kindness by default
  • Collaborative by default (Champion Collaboration)

Our Selves

  • Prioritise Our Well-being

  • Moderate Self-interest

  • Know when to Pause

  • Seek Joy in Action & Resilience

  • Embrace Less

  • Learn actively

What actions do we take?

  • We Document our Value Exchange – We ask that you commit to reflect and find your own unique Value Exchange journey. The best way is to start a document and evolve yourself in your own words as you progress

  • We Organize in Pods – We see smaller groupings of people like a pod of whales swimming together in the same direction, as the best way to help each person on their value exchange journey.

  • We Wear Multiple hats – We see people participating in multiple ways, both giving and benefiting from working with others in their pods

  • We Reflect together regularly – We see establishing a common cadence as a great way for Pods to build relationships and achieve goals, and we leave it to you to decide how

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@rawn You have improved this as a communication. I’m not sure how we use it though? Replace my first draft? An alternative way to digest? A front door? What are your thoughts everyone!

My first thought was to replace the list we have now, once we get a few more details in place. This is a bit more than principles of governance though, and more of a guide to understand the Why, What and How of the Commons. It isn’t the front door, but perhaps the next thing the see in the room.

Perhaps there are three stages/layers to this? I think battle scars are encouraging me not to lose the intensity of the CoP principles as they are (even improved but not dilluted), but that could be the third layer, so the experience is Step 1 Front Door, Step 2 Bit more with Rawn’s piece and Step 3 I am signed up to the principles. Discuss. (lol)

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We have plenty of scars - that’s for sure.