About the Volunteers - start here category

Tell us about yourself and why you want to take responsibility for making the world a tiny bit better? Why is “people & planet wellbeing” important to you? In working on this for over 20 years now, success always comes down to one thing. The people. The changes they are personally prepared to drive. This is everything. Our work is driven through a personal “Value Exchange” - so you should familiarise yourself with that.

  • Use this space to meet other volunteers and potential volunteers.

  • As you start thinking about your own journey, check out the latest info on the Ethos supporters page: https://www.ethosvo.org/supporters-tcf/

  • Ask others for support in developing your own VE.

  • In looking for Mentors (Work Navigators and Wellbeing Navigators) find them here.

  • Share your drafts. Refine your thinking. Call for others to support your Value Recognition.