Category Topics

Welcome and Onboarding

The place to start. Hopefully this category gives you enough info to get going. Here is where to introduce yourself, sign up to the Principles, the Governance and your support for pod0001. If there is anything you think would be useful for you and others that’s not already here then let’s improve it.


People who are interested in managing a project (2-12 people) for up to 2 years doing something that will help “people and planet” wellbeing should start here!

Volunteers - start here

Tell us about yourself and why you want to take responsibility for making the world a tiny bit better? Why is “people & planet wellbeing” important to you? In working on this for over 20 years now, success always comes down to one thing. The people. The changes they are personally prepared to drive. This is everything. Our work is driven through a personal “Value Exchange” - so you should familiarise yourself with that.

Site Feedback

Discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.


So we have this place for a little phun, silliness, music, cartoons, photos, what is phun anyway?
Plato said: “One can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation”.
Unquestionably there will be dog photos.